
A review of a journal article created by a Journal Watch contributor

Cardiac disease in neonates

Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine

Submitted January 2023 by Dr Oh Ryong (Ryan) Kwen

Read by 327 Journal Watch subscribers

This paper is a review article that provides basic description of the normal neonatal cardiovascular physiology as well as several congenital cardiac abnormalities and their presentations. It is very relevant to the paediatric anaesthesia as congenital heart disease represents the most common significant congenital abnormality. The succinct description
of the pathophysiology of several conditions aided by detailed diagrams helps the readers to effectively understand the complicated conditions and its implications in both cardiac and non-cardiac surgeries. However, the brief and introductory nature of this article means this article should be supplemented by further reading for a more detailed understanding and relevant clinical caveats. Overall, this article provides a brief overview of common neonatal
cardiac conditions and their pathophysiology.

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