Effect of high-flow nasal oxygen on hypoxaemia during procedural sedation
A systematic review and meta-analysis
Reviewed June 2023 by Dr Derek Rosen
Overview - Systematic review of the effect of high-flow nasal oxygen (NHFO2) vs conventional oxygen (nasal prongs, face mask, mouth guard) for procedural sedation in adults and children. - Methods:...
Transnasal Humidified Rapid Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange Augments Oxygenation in Children With Juvenile Onset Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis During Surgery
A Prospective Randomized Crossover Controlled Trial
Anesthesia Analgesia
Reviewed December 2023 by Dr Chris Brasher
Children undergoing suspension laryngoscopy for papillomatosis surgery were randomised to either THRIVE or room air during apnoea. All patients were paralysed and intubated/ventilated periodically....

High-flow nasal oxygen for children's airway surgery to reduce hypoxaemic events
A randomised controlled trial
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Reviewed November 2024 by Dr Richard Barnes
This prospective randomised trial was conducted in five tertiary Australian paediatric centres. The trial compared two techniques of oxygen delivery during tubeless ENT airway surgery in children...
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